Sep 6, 2013

And A Word From Our Sponsors...

... Well they're not exactly sponsoring me, but if I give them a mention on my blog, they'll give me 5000 free hits of web traffic. If you're in America, and you're reading this as a recent post, chances are high that you were directed here because of them. Give it up for! And give it up for random free stuff! Yay.

Anyway forget about that and read the rest of my blog already. Pphht. Yes I know, I'm a sell-out.

Today's mem is for 自 (zi4), meaning 'self'. It just so happens that this character looks like a photocopier. So when you see it, just remember this chick photocopying herSELF and you'll remember what the character means. SELF. 

Technically ths is just a character and not a word in it's own right. If you want the word that means self, it is made of two characters: 自己 (zi4 ji3). The second character represents the woman who just jumped off the photocopier.

PS: Chinese is awesome. If I didn't love it, I wouldn't make a blog about it. If this picture offends anyone, just let me know politely and I'll take it down. My Chinese wife didn't seem to disapprove, and she disapproves of almost everything I do, so I figured it'd be okay. --Brad

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